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福建雅思考试考点 | 福建师范大学雅思考生入校须知





  · 证件要求:


  · 到达时间提醒:




  · 其他要求:








  Test Center Entry Instructions for IELTS Test Takers

  Thank you for registering for the IELTS test at Fujian Normal University IELTS Test Centre. To maximize your test experience, please be aware of and comply with the following regulations. Your cooperation is appreciated.

  · Identification Document Requirements:

  Test takers must bring the original and valid ID document and admission ticket that match the registration information to attend the test.

  · Reminder of Arrival Time:

  Test takers must pay attention to the following time and allow enough time for entry inspection and on-campus transportation to avoid being late.

  Speaking test: Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the test, and the deadline for admission is 15 minutes before the test.

  Test Venue: Administration Office Building of College of Foreign Languages (Building No. 5).

  Written test: Entry starts at 07:30 AM; Entry deadline is 08:30 AM.

  Test Venue: Teaching and Researching Building of College of Foreign Languages (Building of Chen Mingjin)

  · Other Reminders:

  Test takers can only enter Fujian Normal University from the main gate of the campus located on Shangsan Road, Cangshan District, and leave the campus from the same campus gate. When entering the campus, test takers should follow the instructions as below at the designated campus gate:

  1) Test takers (including those under 18) are allowed into the campus only during the test period on the test day without any company. Entry for a visit to the test venue not on the test day is not allowed.

  2) We suggest that test takers arrive at the test center at least one hour before the test.

  The above notice is subject to change. Please contact 0591-87522605 for any inquiry.

  Fujian Normal University

  April 18, 2023
